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H2o Pro Pty Ltd

BioGuard Cal Chlor CLC 700

SKU: CC70010, CC7004


BioGuard Cal Chlor CLC 700 is an easy to use unstabilised granular chlorine.  Come is 4kg and 10kg buckets.


BioGuard Cal Chlor CLC 700 is a granular calcium hypochlorite (chlorine) which can be used for regular sanitation and as an oxidiser.


  • 700g/kg available chlorine
  • Does not contain Cyanuric Acid (stabiliser)


  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Can be used in indoor pools and when stabiliser levels are already high
  • Available in a 4kg tub with screw top lid

Classified asDangerous Goods (DG)” for transport purposes – Local delivery or in-store pick up only.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

10kg, 4kg

Click & Collect ONLY / DG