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H2o Pro Pty Ltd




The Clean-A-Cell Salt Cell Cleaning Jug has a 2 Litre capacity.  It is designed specifically for submerging your cell in a bath of Concentrated Cell cleaner.


Unfortunately, salt water chlorinator cells get a calcium build-up on the cell plates. It is essential for optimum cell performance and a longer life to clean them regularly.  When you need to clean your salt water chlorinator cell, you need a safe, simple and convenient way to do it.  The Clean-A-Cell Salt Cell Cleaning Jug has a 2 Litre capacity.  It is specifically designed for submerging your cell in a bath of Concentrated Cell cleaner.  The Clean-A-Cell jug also comes with a convenient cell cleaning tool.  This is to help scrape off, and dislodge the calcium build-up on the cell plates.

Additional information

Weight 0.75 kg