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H2o Pro Pty Ltd

BioGuard Smarter Sticks

SKU: SMS1.8, SMS3.6


Smarter Sticks are stabilised sanitiser that also controls algae and bacteria. These sticks are slow dissolving lasting twice as long as ordinary trichlor sticks.


Designed for pool owners who have little time to care for their pool, Smarter Sticks are stabilised sanitisers that also control algae and bacteria. These slow-dissolving sticks last twice as long as ordinary trichlor sticks.

Simply place a stick in the skimmer box, and they will slowly dissolve when the pump/filter is operating. There are approximately 8 sticks per container, and each stick lasts 1 to 2 weeks, depending on pool size and pump operation.


  • 855g/kg available chlorine
  • SilkGuard technology for corrosion and staining protection
  • SunShield for protection against UV
  • SmartGuard technology for chlorine protection
  • Classified as “NON Dangerous Goods (NDG)” for land transport in Australia.


  • Once a week maintenance
  • Kills bacteria
  • Dose and forget
  • Reduces scale formation
  • Softening of water making it silky smooth

Additional information

Weight N/A

1.8kg, 3.6kg

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